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Assortment Japanese tea
Assortment Japanese tea
¥ 900
3%優惠折扣券 : kdfnew3 等【新會員・線上預訂專享】
Sencha Ryokufuku is made of Japanese tea leaves, which received a lot of sunlight. It is a little bitter and has a good after-taste. Karigane Hojicha is roasted tea stems, which were taken out from high quality tea leaves. It has a good flavor and mellow taste.
■容量:EF Sencha Ryokufuku 40g EF Karigane Hojicha 15g
■保質期:more than 120days after Pick Up
■規格:Length 10cm/ Width 18cm/ Height 4.5cm
■保存方法:Store in a cool, dry place and avoid other lingering scent.
■過敏原:allergen free
■容量:EF Sencha Ryokufuku 40g EF Karigane Hojicha 15g
■保質期:more than 120days after Pick Up
■規格:Length 10cm/ Width 18cm/ Height 4.5cm
■保存方法:Store in a cool, dry place and avoid other lingering scent.
■過敏原:allergen free